Jenni Puskala, Administrative Manager Change brings new perspective to things
“I joined the UPCAST family in the beginning of September 2021. I quickly noticed that I was part of a friendly, open-minded and strong community. People have warmly welcomed me and been helpful with any questions that I have had.
At some point in 2022 I will take responsibility for UPCAST’s administrative issues, such as financials and personnel matters. I am currently working closely with Ms. Hanna-Leena Mäkitalo and she is transferring valuable information to me. I am grateful that UPCAST made the decision to do this transfer of tasks over a longer period of time. I want to continue Hanna-Leena’s excellent work; value our esteemed customer relationships, take good care of the company’s financials, support our personnel and keep Upcast as an interesting employer in the future as well.
My work background is versatile; it consists mainly of retail, human resources and the public sector. I have worked closely with personnel matters, collective agreements and labor laws, but also with customer service and financial issues. I have a BBA degree majoring in international business and a master’s degree in economics. However, my new role as an administrative manager at UPCAST requires a lot of learning concerning e.g., export rules and the casting industry itself. Upward continuous casting is something that I had zero knowledge of when I started, but luckily my colleagues have patiently answered all my continuous questions. They have literally shown me what kind of copper tubes and strings can be manufactured with UPCAST lines. I am already anxiously waiting to visit one of our clients abroad and get to see the UPCAST line at its best!
In my free time I spend time with my family and train with my two dogs. I am an enthusiastic animal lover and have always had dogs by my side. I also try to go to the gym and yoga once a week. When one’s work is mainly sitting or standing at the office, it’s good to have something that moves you in your free time.
I was an entrepreneur for ten years, and I still highly appreciate the entrepreneurial mindset and attitude to doing things. All in all, no matter what degree or career you have, the right kind of attitude is the one that matters the most. I have noticed that here at UPCAST everyone’s attitude is to give the best customer service to support UPCAST lines and improve the company’s success even further. I am lucky to have been chosen to be part of the UPCAST community!”